The DailyDOOH Media Summit Agenda

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

The DailyDOOH Media Summit takes place as part of London Digital Signage Week on Tuesday May 19, 2015 in The David Lean Room, BAFTA, 195 Piccadilly, London W1J 9LN.

Here’s the agenda…


09.30 Welcome

09.40 How Out-of-Home Can Change People’s Lives and Consumer Habits | Shaun Gregory | Exterion Media in conversation with Chair Adrian J Cotterill

Awaiting Abstract

10.10 It’s Big and it’s Clever: Delivering Innovation at Scale | Neil Morris | Grand Visual

Neil Morris, founder of Grand Visual, will be discussing the past, present and future of creativity in DOOH, looking at some of the pioneering moments over the last 10 years, as well as looking at what challenges the industry faces going forward and how they could be addressed.

10:40 Why we Love Digital Outdoor |  TBA | MAJOR BRAND

Awaiting Abstract

11:10 Coffee

11:30 Beyond Out of Home | Heather Andrew  | CEO  | Neuro-Insight (UK) Ltd

Heather Andrew, CEO of research company Neuro-Insight, will be discussing how Ocean Outdoor used brain imaging to understand the relationship between DOOH and other media.  Specifically, she will be demonstrating the power of DOOH to prime other media, extending its footprint beyond out of home and into the wider media landscape.

12:00 Taking Big Data To Market | Kate Fitzgerald | Head of Media Propositions – Tesco Markets | Dunnhumby and Joe Clark | Head of Integrated Media | Dunnhumby

Awaiting Abstract

12:30 Designing a Space with Retail and Advertising in Mind | Ben Green | Head of Retail & Innovation (Interim) | The Manchester Airports Group (MAG)

Awaiting Abstract

13.00 LUNCH

14:00 Kaan Akin (CEO and Founder of Sistem 9 Medya) and Sikander Ahmed (Partner NBK Capital in Conversation with Steve Nesbit

Letter from America (via Turkey, the Middle East and Eastern Europe) A look at digital out of home in other regions. This year we hear from one of the leading media owners in Istanbul, the only city that spans Europe and Asia, and how they see Eastern Europe and the Middle East from their unique vantage point.

14:30 The end of the beginning for DOOH  | Richard Blackburn | Commercial Director | MediaCo Outdoor

Richard Blackburn from MediaCo led the planning and rollout of Manchester’s CityLive interactive digital media network. He will share with you observations and insights that affect the DOOH industry now, and in the future. He will discuss why the industry is in danger of cooking (and eating) its own golden goose, why data is everything, big and small, and why you should not assume that people will behave as you expect.

15:00 Why we Love Digital Outdoor |  TBA | MAJOR BRAND

Awaiting Abstract


15:45 Lessons from a former Google Marketing Executive | Sarah Speake | Chief Marketing Officer | Clear Channel UK

Awaiting Abstract

16:15 TfL and DOOH – Why Every Journey Matters  |  John Pizzamiglio | Lead for Advertising Strategy Commercial Development Directorate | Transport for London

DOOH is a problem for,  and yet also the solution to, TfL’s commercial future – the sheer size of both the TfL and its audience means that the complexities are numerous but the opportunities are endless. TfL has already seen huge benefits in digitising their Roadside and Bus Shelter estate. Crossrail gives a whole slew of new and exciting environments. There are however numerous difficulties installing large formats on the rail estate which still need to be overcome.  With a growing, socially active, affluent audience the TfL’s approach regarding new contracts in 2016 will be one that enables a wide variety of future developments

16.45 Closing Remarks | Adrian J Cotterill | Editor-in-Chief | DailyDOOH

17:00 CLOSE

Tickets cost from GBP 295 each. Registration is available here.

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