Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief
DOOH is a problem for and yet also the solution to, Transport for London’s commercial future – the sheer size of both the TfL and its audience means that the complexities are numerous but the opportunities are endless.

John Pizzamiglio, Lead for Advertising Strategy Commercial Development Directorate at Transport for London
TfL has already seen huge benefits in digitising their Roadside and Bus Shelter estate and Crossrail offers a whole bunch more of new and exciting opportunities.
With TfL recently kicking off the pitch for the London Underground outdoor advertising contract, John Pizzamiglio, the Lead for Advertising Strategy Commercial Development Directorate at Transport for London’s presentation at The DailyDOOH Media Summit on Tuesday May 19 couldn’t be more timely.
With a contract that will deliver an annual audience of 1.5 billion across 270 Tube stations, 83 stations on the London Overground, 45 DLR stations, Tramlink’s 39 stops, Victoria Coach Station and the 40 to-be-launched Crossrail stations it is probably one of the biggest in the world.
It is certainly one of the earliest and is often credited as being the start of DOOH in the UK – thanks to Tim Bleakley, Nicky Cheshire, Tim Butler, Andrew Oldham and John Kilfeather – all often uncredited for the pioneering work they did back in 2005 (see Page 4, The DailyDOOH London Special Edition Newspaper).
Viacom Outdoor (then CBS Outdoor but now Exterion Media of course), won the GBP 800 million eight-and-a-half-year contract to handle the outdoor ad sales in 2006. Following a legal dispute back in 2011 the contract was renegotiated in early 2012.
John will expand on the benefits he has seen with digitalisation as well as exploring the numerous difficulties installing large formats on the rail estate which still need to be overcome.
He told us “With a growing, socially active, affluent audience the TfL’s approach regarding new contracts in 2016 will be one that enables a wide variety of future developments” and whilst there’s no promise that he will be able to talk about the tender process you know for certain that it will be one presentation that anyone interested in the tender process will need to hear as well as anyone interested in Smart Cities or doing similar tube / metro installs around the world can learn from!!!
Graeme Craig, the director of commercial development at TfL, said the company wants to move from the current minimum guarantee model to a partnership that will help it evolve so its assets are at the forefront of the commercial media ‘revolution’.
TfL is planning to appoint a new partner by April next year. The contract will start on October 1, 2016. ‘TfL and DOOH – Why Every Journey Matters‘ takes place at 16:15.
You can attend The DailyDOOH Media Summit and hear John Pizzamiglio and many other great and influential speakers by registering here.
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