Isbank – First Picture of Turkish Install

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Turkish Bank

This is the first picture of a digital screen in Turkish bank Isbank – it’s part of a recently announced deployment using the Dise Digital Suite from Sweden.

The deal size is claimed to be as big as 2,000 screens if you take into account both a number of ATMs and Internet banking stations (known as Netmatiks) where advertising content is used as a screen saver.

Pronova the local reseller involved in this has claimed for over 18 months that it will install 3000 screens for a ‘bank’ but other networks that we know and have spoken with locally doubt those numbers and whether it is a done deal.

One Response to “Isbank – First Picture of Turkish Install”

  1. Damon Says:

    Sadly the screen looks very much like it has been implemented as an afterthought.

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