Visa International, Neo Advertising Switzerland

Chris Sheldrake


Visa International have joined the likes of Nestlé, EasyJet, Citroen, Novartis in running a campaign across Neo Advertising Switzerland‘s Shopping Centre Live Network.

The network is made up of an impressive 43 Shopping Centres in Switzerland and is by far the largest digital screen network in Switzerland.

Aiming to reach modern consumers who are purchasing and seeking entertainment in shopping centres, we are told that It offers exceptional visibility to advertisers.

Screens are deployed at the entrances, malls and walkways of the busiest shopping centres in Switzerland, most notably Coop centres.

The 1 month national campaign ends later this month and was booked direct we believe.

One Response to “Visa International, Neo Advertising Switzerland”

  1. Necdet UYGURER ( Mr ) Says:

    I am very much interested in NOVARTIS network. Could anybody supply any information on that to me please ?
    Thank you.


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