Astral OOH Launches TSA Interactive

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

Astral Out-of-Home, a division of Bell Media, will, in November, 2015, launch TSA Interactive, an innovative new advertising opportunity whereby an interactive screen will be part of a regular static poster advertisement featured in transit shelters.

astral TSA

The 22” product provides video and audio inside the transit shelter to engage consumers. A first for Toronto transit shelters, TSA Interactive will launch with 10 portable screens across the city in high traffic locations selected by clients. Designed to bring advertising campaigns to life, the screens interact with the public through a touchscreen situated in the middle of the poster ad. The system can provide a variety of consumer content, such as movie trailers, new car features, mortgage calculators, and concert listings, among others.

“TSA Interactive provides advertisers with new creative flexibility that is currently unmatched in the market place,” says Jordana Fatsis, vice-president, sales, Astral Out-of-Home. “The digital screens complement the traditional static elements, bringing a new level of engagement to each campaign by allowing consumers to interact with the messaging directly.”

Consumer reaction to TSA Interactive at several test sites around Toronto has been extremely positive, with 90% of users saying they would like to see more of the screens in transit shelters, and 84% stating they would use the touchscreen again. Nearly 100% of the respondents agreed that the interactive screens position Toronto as an innovative and modern city.

As a partner of the City of Toronto, Astral Out of Home operates the city’s street furniture program by delivering practical street furniture elements, including transit shelters, litter and recycling bins, newspaper boxes, information pillars with neighbourhood maps, columns displaying public service announcements, bike racks, automatic public washrooms, and benches.

Watch for Luc Quetel, Astral Out-of-Home president as our next CEO Spotlight this Friday.

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