Broadsign Jul 2024 lead

Butiks-tv-bolag går samman om reklamförsäljningen

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Here’s more information on yesterday’s post about two COMPETITORS COLLABORATING in Sweden – “Instore TV (Retail digital signage) companies collaborate on Advertising sales” Two leading Instore TV companies in Sweden Q-Vision AB ( (Part of Network Mediagroup) and RTV ( ) (Owned by expressen) have entered into an agreement for selling advertising space across their digital signage networks.

While the companies are competitors, they address different customer segments and are looking to build on each others strengths. Q-Vision has its screens placed on the check out lines and RTV have theirs placed inside the store and check out lines.

“Our customers are mainly large brands while Q-Vision has a very strong coverage in local businesses. It is possible for one customer to buy advertising in both channels” says Victor Sylvan, Sales Chief at RTV.

Q-Vision has today screens in 220 shops covering 80 cities in Sweden. This includes Willys and Hemkop chains owned by Axfood and ICA shops. RTV has a reach in 78 shops including City Gross, Coop Forum and ICA Maxi.

“RTV Sales advertising mainly to grocery suppliers to promote their products internally, while we sell advertisements to local businesses who see us as a unique and effective medium” says Ola Nilsson, Sales Chief at Q-Vision.

RTV had a revenue of 16 million SEK in 2006. Q-vision had a revenue of about 25 million SEK in 2006 and 2007 and has a budget of 40 million in sales for 2008.

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