I Spy With My Little Eye

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

car-parkLandvetter airport, Gothenburg, Sweden and an innovative application with IconOneĀ® Outdoor HB Displays and the Swedish Facility Parking Ltd.

iconone-sweden-car-parkWhen a car enters any gate of the parking structure at the airport it is photographed and then the make and model of the car is identified. Once the car passes one of the gates, advertising for this specific car make and model is shown on the display.

Symbicon Ltd’s tell us that “This patented system makes it possible for advertisers to find a desired target group among all passing cars” BUT we cannot figure out what sort of targeted advertising that might actually be – targeted based on make and model of car?

I am sure someone will tell us.

One Response to “I Spy With My Little Eye”

  1. Satu Roppanen Says:

    The two-fold business idea is quite simple:

    Firstly, advertisers buy general advertising space on the IconOne screens. Normally there are 4-5 loops of advertisements for a certain period of time. These loops attract also passing cars that are not targeted cars.

    Secondly, advertisers have the possibility to target certain car models or even car makes. A real life example is Audi who targeted all BMW cars (based on a similar user profile of Audis and BMWs) for a certain period of time in order to convince BMW drivers to shift to Audi. The system creates statistics on targeted hits, and therefore, Audi received exact information on how many BMW customers were reached with their targeted advertisements.

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