Care Media Shouts Green

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Easy to be cynical about yet another announcement from a digital network about how green they are BUT hey! it’s one of our industry’s true USPs so why the hell not shout about it. Here we see EnQii powered CARE Media’s new initiative saving advertisers money and helping the environment by going paperless.

CAREv2-prelimBeginning 1st June 2009, the company will offer advertisers the opportunity to provide a direct message to viewers of CARE Media’s programming through a text-in message code – interested viewers who text in receive a 164-character text message instructing them how to access detailed information on the product or service of their choice through the advertiser’s website – cutting back of course on the amount of paper being used to print brochures.

Philip M. Cohen, president and CEO of CARE Media told us “Today’s consumers are getting their information from non-traditional outlets such as Twitter and Facebook, predominately through electronic devices like PDA’s and cell phones,”

He added “We feel that providing a direct response component to our program will provide less clutter in doctors’ offices, give our advertisers quick and measureable access to their audience, while helping the environment by using less paper.”

CARE Media will offer this to advertisers of their three reception room networks: PetCARE TVTM, Women’s HealthCARE TVTM, and KidCARE TVR, at no additional cost.

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