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London Digital Signage Week, May 8-12, 2017

London Digital Signage Week [1] takes place May 8-12, 2017 and as with its counterpart in New York [2], the week is for anyone in digital signage, interested in retail, employee communications, smart cities, digital out of home and of course digital signage!

DD_LDSW_logo2017_RGB [1]We like to remind people, especially the out of home folks, that without Digital Signage there would be no Digital Out of Home and this year the week in London includes the first ever Global Digital Signage Conference [3], which takes place Thursday May 11, 2017 at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre.

London Digital Signage Week has very quickly grown, now consisting of numerous branded events, conferences and exhibitions AND many independent productions around the city. We make no secret that we aim it to be similar to London or New York Fashion Week – all aimed at attracting a mix of advertisers, media owners, network operators, manufacturers, integrators, agencies, software developers, investors and more, in order to meet up, network, learn, and do business.

Those who have attended some of the events during the week have said that they have always wished to be part of something ‘bigger’ than a single one day conference or ‘trapped’ in an exhibition – the week of course, is their chance to do exactly that!

As we’ve pointed out before, both the Fashion industry and the Advertising industry have their own weeks where they “celebrate themselves”. Advertising Week Europe, described as a “hybrid of inspiring thought leadership” and “featuring the world’s best and brightest” has been running for many years now and is surely a model that the digital signage and digital out of home industry must continue to aspire to.

This year, the week will kick off on the Monday and Tuesday with Retail Digital Signage Expo [4], which is co-located with Retail Business Technology Expo [5] and Retail Design Expo.

These events have all been hailed as overwhelming successful in the past few years (15,452 attendees in 2016, including over 2,100 international visitors) and take place at the Olympia Grand, London.

The DailyDOOH Media Summit [6] will take place Tuesday May 9, 2017 in its usual place at BAFTA, Piccadilly.

On Wednesday May 10, Beaver Group are holding a Google Masterclass on digital signage [7] in the morning, Future Cities Catapult [8] are holding a lunchtime lecture featuring Clear Channel UK’s CEO Justin Cochrane on London’s plans for its phoneboxes and in the afternoon, with the help of Mungo Knott, Co-Chair of the UK OOH Standards Committee we will have our second Programmatic Buying and Marketplace Workshop.

The first-ever Global Digital Signage Conference [3] will take place Thursday May 11, 2017 as well as a couple of private events, including one that features #SmartCities Expert Sandra Baer.

Registration for The DailyDOOH Media Summit, The Global Digital Signage Conference and the City Briefing on Programmatic Buying can all be found here [9].

As London Digital Signage Week continues to gain traction we hope that this year, we can once again, prove that #LondonIsThePlaceToBe