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LG’s 2 for 1 – an update on LG’s shiny new VP Of Digital Signage

The official news release has just been issued by LG, so I thought I’d do a quick follow up on the news I leaked [1]a few weeks back about LG’s newest addition to their Digital Signage team.

Jeff Dowell [2] will be making his official debut as LG’s new VP of Digital Signage at this month’s InfoComm [3]. Make sure you drop by the LG booth and congratulate him.

I did some further research and found out that Jeff’s position is in reality- the result of the  consolidation of two positions – a VP to focus on the International market AND a VP to focus solely on US opportunities. Apparently LG was looking to hire BOTH Jeff Dowell (For the Int’l VP)  and Scott [4]Koller [4] (US-VP) as part of the their team.

When Mr Koller decided to turn down his LG opportunity, (the next question is, why would Wireless Ronin’s CEO want to entertain leaving his post…) they consolidated his position to leverage Jeff’s International and Domestic expertise.

So, I’d say that Mr. Dowell is  LG’s “best choice” vs. “second choice” as referenced in the follow up comment [5] posted on the the DailyDOOH by a reader named Larry that knows alot about Wireless Ronin’s insider info  – and its not  Larry Blaney [6]

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2 Comments To "LG’s 2 for 1 – an update on LG’s shiny new VP Of Digital Signage"

#1 Comment By Larry Blaney On 2 June 2009 @ 19:35 @857

I have been incorrectly identified as the Larry mentioned in the follow up comment posted on the Daily Dooh. I did not comment on LG’s VP decision regarding Mr. Koller. Please correct the reference to my name.


Larry Blaney

#2 Comment By Manolo Almagro On 2 June 2009 @ 21:16 @928

Mea Culpa- Mr. Blaney. – I traced the Ip addresses and sure enough, your IP is in Illinois, and the “other Larry” made his post from a Hotel in Texas. You are no longer credited as the poster.