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AMX Executive Arrested In US

AMX Corporation [1] who last year bought London based Inspired Signage [2] has been a good proponent of both the digital signage and the digital out of home sectors and been fully supportive of a number of industry shows, events and conferences. There is no suggestion that this latest development will impact those efforts, but if true (and always innocent until proven guilty) it’s always a shame when something like this happens in any industry…

March 31, 2008

AMX Executive Arrested for Email System Breach; Stealing Confidential Information from Competitor

BERGEN COUNTY, NJ, March 31, 2008 – David A. Goldenberg, Vice President of AMX Corporation, a subsidiary of Duchossois Industries, was arrested Friday on three charges related to illegally hacking into the private computer network of the Northeast Regional Sales office/Sapphire Marketing of Crestron Electronics Inc [3]., following an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office, Computer Crimes unit. Goldenberg was charged with Unlawful Access of a Computer System/Network, Unlawful Access of Computer Data/Theft of Data, and Conducting an Illegal Wiretap.

Through the efforts of the Bergen County Prosecutor’s office, they uncovered Goldenberg had infiltrated the Northeast Regional Sales office computer network, intercepting all private and classified communications that included sales proposals, pricing, customer lists, sales data, and confidential employee information and schedules.

“This is a very serious and damaging matter”, said Randy Klein, Executive Vice President of Crestron Electronics. “While this may appear only as a criminal act of one of its Vice Presidents, AMX, the company, is clearly the beneficiary of this unlawfully acquired information. We are in the process of reviewing the impact it has on us, but it certainly has serious consequences on our past, present and future business.”

More information can be found posted on the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office press release website: www.bcpo.net/bcpo/blog/index.php [4].

AMX may well, we believe, be pursued in the courts for considerable damages if the allegations are proven to be true.

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2 Comments To "AMX Executive Arrested In US"

#1 Comment By Harald Steindl On 1 April 2008 @ 12:51 @577

I try to follow this event on my Blog in German language at

#2 Comment By chris On 2 April 2008 @ 10:05 @462
