Broadsign Jul 2024 lead

Aldi-TV geht auf Testsendung

Chris Sheldrake

BIg news in Germany is the start of an Aldi TV digital signage pilot – Aldi of course are the discount supermarket chain and that they should be trialling screens is actually quite interesting – especially in the light of such notable retail ‘failures’ from folks in how should we say, the higher end of the market.

Aldi is known for many things but technological innovation and leadership is not one of them so it is with some excitement that the German DS industry looks upon Aldi Süd’s instore digital TV pilot happening in Frankfurt.

As many in the German (traditional) press are saying, often the introduction of POS, card payments or online trading the industry leader waits UNTIL the technology has matured before committing themselves. So, is this the case in this instance?

Will they be doing an ‘Amscreen‘ or heed the lessons of (past) Tesco’s (and early WalMarts) and end up with a good Gen 2.0 style Network?

The thrust of Aldi Süd in using digital signage at the point of sale is all about product advertising and has been described as a “soundless mix of product and image advertising spots relying on the power of images”

The Frankfurt pilot store has two large screens dropped down from the ceiling close to the cashier and facing queuing foot traffic and a much smaller screen, described as being in the ‘middle of the selling space’.

This last screen is equipped with a touchscreen, on which the customer can browse the Aldi Süd web site.

This is just a pilot but it’s hard to express what excitement it is generating in the German industry at the moment.

Thomas Dockter, Dockter Marketing told us exclusively “Everybody is waiting that ALDI or Lidl will get into DS – if it works there all the others will follow”

Let’s just hope then that Aldi do it well.

3 Responses to “Aldi-TV geht auf Testsendung”

  1. Oliver Schwede Says:

    What Thomas Dockter says is not really precise. You have to take into consideration that Aldi and Lidl are discounter and you have to consider their company structures. In my opinion this will not affect other food retailer in Germany.


  2. Thomas Dockter Says:

    If you take in consideration that most oft the other food retailers try to establish their discount chains (Edeka->Netto, Rewe -> Penny) they will have a close look and they will follow, given that the pilot will succceed. If not – it will be even harder to establish DS in food retail outlets.

  3. J. Woolsey Says:

    Guy’s come on… Advertising = DS ROI, not private lable. Good luck unless Aldi is funding 100% of the program and has a special reason to promote already discounted items. Wake up guys…

    Best regards,

    J Woolsey

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