GMHC in @MesmerizeOOH Partnership

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Mesmerize this week announced the expansion of its point of care network through a partnership with GMHC (originally founded as Gay Men’s Health Crisis), the world’s first HIV/AIDS services organization.

The partnership includes the installation of Mesmerize’s digital TV screens throughout GMHC’s headquarters, and GMHC will have access to Mesmerize’s full-service digital signage studio to customize each screen and personalize messages advertising the plethora of services GMHC offers. Mesmerize’s screens offer best-in-class patient education speaking to HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, and STIs specifically, in addition to general health and wellness content. Mesmerize will also leverage GMHC’s HIV/AIDS information and health content across its existing network of CBOs, doctors’ offices, and independent pharmacies, and help raise awareness and funds for the AIDS Walk NY and other charitable events hosted by GMHC.

Gregory Leibert, Mesmerize CEO said “AIDS Service Organizations are vital to improving people’s health and helping them to achieve a better quality of life by connecting individuals, families, and communities affected by HIV and other infectious diseases to accessible care and treatment,” said Expanding Mesmerize’s point of care network to include GMHC strengthens our commitment to addressing the social determinants and injustices that contribute to HIV infection rates, as we strive to transform our society.

GMHC CEO, Kelsey Louie said “Mesmerize’s patient education platform will give GMHC a new way to provide information and communicate with our clients,” said “We look forward to working with Mesmerize on addressing the underlying causes of new HIV infections, combatting stigma and discrimination, and promoting healthy behaviors.”

GMHC serves approximately 10,000 clients in New York City with comprehensive psychosocial and prevention services, including: HIV/STI testing, meals and nutrition, housing support, advocacy for benefits and health insurance, mental health and emotional support, substance use counseling, and more. GMHC’s programs have made substantial contributions to reducing new HIV infections and ensuring people diagnosed with HIV/AIDS are connected to care and treatment.

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