Imagesound Choose signagelive

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Word reaches us that in-store music provider Imagesound has chosen signagelive as its new digital signage partner – the official announcement will come sometime soon. A few weeks ago all we could tell you was that it was a big win for one of our top 10 digital signage vendors but now we know it is most definitely signagelive.

The best choice would definitely have been EnQii’s excellent EnGage / inTempo product as it would have done the job of present incumbent YCD Multimedia, i.e. music as well as digital signage BUT we strongly suspect that due to people politics at least it was most probably never even considered.

Those fools at YCD Multimedia could have had the complete Imagesound business all sewn up years ago – there was a reason that YCD were number 5 in our Top Ten back in 2007 and that was because they had one of the best, if not THE best music offering in the marketplace.

The fact that they took their eye off the ball outside the US and the fact that they did not milk this (customer) for all it’s worth says volumes about great technology companies needing good business leaders. WIth the combined credibility of Imagesound and YCD – music, commercial sense and good technology they could have won a hell of a lot more business together.

The new signage partner product will be aimed at the traditional digital signage space and initially will be sold and managed in isolation to Imagesound’s own IMS software.

That means that the YCD agreement is likely to stay in place for just a little while longer – Imagesound do, surprise, surprise actually have a couple of customers using the platform.

It doesn’t make much sense to us in having two software platforms (three actually if you count Imagesound’s own internal attempts at software) so look for a further shake out in early 2010.

4 Responses to “Imagesound Choose signagelive”

  1. Erez Turin Says:

    As an investor in YCD from its inception, I take offense by your choice of words. Your knowledge base is pretty limited on YCD’s experience with Imagesound, therefore your characterization of YCD officers as Idiots is totally uncalled for. As far as I recall you were not so gutsy in disallowing my comments on Gerba, which were much softer than yours on YCD. That my friend speaks volumes on your modus operandi and takes a bit of the shine off of you.

  2. Ronni Guggenheim Says:

    Erez – I am afraid that you are quite right with your comments. Adrian and his folks are unfortunately disqualifying themselves as a real and objective authority and opinion leader in the DS market, by using improper language, finger-pointing and bad-mouthing at other market players.

    Adrian – I truly hope that you and your team are soon finding back to the old qualities, with mutual due respect to other people and companies. DailyDOOH had been an outstanding forum, but not by provocation and offense, but much more by sharing, reporting and a feeling of jointly developing the DS market as a whole.

  3. MM Says:

    Are there clients ready to take this new offering from ImageSound yet or is this an attempt at a press release?

  4. Jason Cremins Says:

    @MM indeed there are, several in fact and I look forward to making the announcements in conjunction with Imagesound over the coming months.

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