3M Vikuiti vs Non Vikuiti

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

We reckon that there is a CLEAR difference between these two photos, taken of the same installation at Bluewater – it’s the Windowgain installation we spoke about 3 days ago

The top picture is using some form of standard film on the window (we seriously do not what type it is using) and the bottom picture is using 3M’s Vikuiti film.

Non Vikuiti at Bluewater (Windowgain)

We think the difference is quite clear. Windowgain told us on asking that ‘yes’ they had changed the film over in between the pictures being taken – evidently there wasn’t enough time originally to get Vikuiti in.

Vikuiti at Bluewater (Windowgain)

We are always surprised how rarely folks are prepared to do side by side comparisions. Here, we think the pictures speak for themselves. If you had the choice the Vikuiti looks so much better.

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