Location Media Xchange, (weirdly, and incorrectly described as) the world’s first independent advertising technology company and supply-side-platform, has announced a partnership with Digichive Philippines Corporation (DPC), the exclusive advertising concessionaire for Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminals, Clark Lipad International, Bacolod-Silay airport and Kalibo International Airport.
[1]The press release said that the partnership will enable the activation of campaigns that are programmatic guaranteed as well as open exchange and private marketplace deals (PMP) and that this enable the Philippines’ first-ever indoor programmatic-enabled screens.
Norman Davadilla, CEO of Moving Walls Philippines said, “The introduction of programmatic advertising at Ninoy Aquino International Airport gives clients greater flexibility in their out-of-home campaigns in terms of audience targeting, measurement, optimization and real-time playout triggered by data. We do not doubt that this new offering will enrich the airport experience and open up NAIA’s airport media space to even more brands and partners.”
Digichive was established to build a progressive future in OOH advertising by capitalizing on evolving technologies, engaging advertising formats and prioritizing sustainable solutions today viewed as a paradigm shift that will enable new revenue streams. Through this partnership, Digichive will now be able to cater to DSP buyers such as Google’s DV360, Trade Desk TTD and MAX.
Ann Margaret Ngui, VP Sales of Digichive Phils told us “We are delighted to announce that we have entered into a strategic partnership with LMX platform, a leading provider of innovative solutions for the digital economy. This partnership will enable us to leverage LMX’s cutting-edge technology and expertise to enhance our products and services, and to offer our customers more value and convenience. We believe that this collaboration will create new opportunities for growth and innovation for both parties and will strengthen our position in the competitive market. We look forward to working closely with the LMX platform to deliver the best possible outcomes for our stakeholders.”
Digichive and LMX together launched the first Programmatic Guaranteed (PG) campaign at NAIA International and Domestic Terminal 3 Pre-boarding LED through Google DV360. This ongoing campaign is for a BPO company through a digital agency.
Digichive presently has several formats within NAIA airport including light boxes, LED, sticker wrap, banners, push-cart, carousel belts, promo booths and outdoor digital signages.
Location Media Xchange (LMX) is a newly formed company under the Moving Walls group.