Global Airport #pDOOH @JCDecauxGlobal Offer

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

This week JCDecaux launched the first global airport programmatic DOOH offer, an innovative solution designed to empower brands and agencies to execute targeted, dynamic, and contextualised advertising campaigns effortlessly and in real time.

The offer enables advertisers to reach +70 million monthly passengers a network of +3,000 screens in major airports worldwide and is available for deployment programmatically through the VIOOH SSP (Supply Side Platform) and 30+ DSPs (Demand Side Platform) including Displayce.

Key Features:

  • Access to affluent and receptive audiences in the premium airport environment
  • Optimal brand exposure on a global scale in a brand-safe context
  • Engagement with target audiences at critical touchpoints throughout their journey
  • Delivering the right message at the right place and time to the right person

This ‘product’ is an ongoing development with a dedicated focus on continuous improvement and in the coming months, JCDecaux plans to introduce new features such as airport data targeting, further enhancing the product’s capabilities and providing advertisers with even more powerful tools for their campaigns.

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