#CannesLions @DPAAglobal Curated Experience

Andrew Neale

DPAA, the global trade marketing association, driving the growth and digitization of out-of-home media announced this week the FULL list of brand/agency meetings, and member networking events for its Curated Experience during Cannes Lions Advertising Festival.

“We are once again heartened by the response to our curated DPAA Cannes experience,” said Barry Frey, President & CEO of DPAA. “Cannes Lions is the great opportunity to unite the Global OOH industry to work with brands and agencies on showcasing the value that we deliver to global brands and agencies”.

For intimate member conversations, DPAA will be meeting with C-levels, senior marketing and media leads from:-

United Airlines
Paramount Streaming
Kruger Products
Omnicom Group
Forsman & Bodenfors (fmr CPB London)
Starcom Worldwide
Busch Gardens, SeaWorld
World Federation of Advertisers

Recognizing much of the business at Cannes is conducted after the DPAA daytime sessions, DPAA has put together a robust schedule of networking events that brings together media buyers, sellers and tech innovators.

Monday night sees the return of The Global OOH DPAA Kickoff Dinner at Fred l’Ecailler, known as the best seafood in Southern France. On Tuesday, DPAA and Madhive welcome you to the Global DOOH Industry Cocktail Party. On Wednesday DPAA and IRCODE host a special evening aboard Grace yacht, berthed directly behind the Palais. On an as available basis, these networking events are open to DPAA Cannes attendees, members, brands, and media agencies.

For information about attending, accommodations, access to meetings, DPAA OOH Industry dinner and cocktail events, registration fees etc. contact Zach.Sherman@dpaaglobal.com.

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