2024 State of #DOOH @IABCanada Barometer Report

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

IAB Canada presents the latest findings from its 2024 State of Digital Out of Home in Canada Barometer Report. This comprehensive report, developed through insights from a dedicated DOOH Committee with input IAB Canada’s buy-side members, highlights the growing importance and potential of DOOH in modern digital media strategies.

Building on the insights of their previous report, which highlighted the prioritization of Location and Technology (specifically Dynamic Ad Insertion), the industry has made significant strides. Enhanced technology, improved measurement techniques, and ongoing education efforts have significantly increased the adoption of DOOH. The latest report shows that more than half of respondents now include DOOH in their media mix, recognizing the benefits of advanced features such as Time-of-Day Targeting and Video capabilities.

Barbara Huggett, GM & SVP Ad Sales-Canada, Captivate and IAB Canada DOOH Committee Co-Chair said “DOOH screens are seamlessly integrated into the environments where consumers spend their daily lives. Beyond roadside billboards, DOOH connects with audiences as they work in offices, shop in malls, dine in restaurants and bars, and use transportation. Marketers can deliver messages that resonate within the environment to create more meaningful connections throughout the day. The powerful combination of context – aligning audience, environment and message – makes these interactions especially impactful”.

The report reveals that DOOH effectively bridges the gap in offline media, with 59% of respondents recognizing its role in creating a seamless omnichannel experience. DOOH stands out as a non-intrusive channel that drives online and offline engagement, effectively guiding users to websites and brick-and-mortar stores.

The study reveals strong interest in increasing DOOH investment, with respondents calling for more budget allocation. While billboards remain the top choice for venues, marketers are also exploring opportunities in other venues like Urban Panels, Bus Shelters, and Movie Theaters which can be a potential for growth. IAB’s DOOH and In-Store Retail Media Playbook highlight that in-store media placements, using DOOH venues like aisle ads, offer one of the highest impact opportunities to influence a shopper’s purchase decision.

Access to the full report is only available to IAB Canada members. Non-members can contact memberships@iabcanada.com for more information.

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