Adkom Partners with StreetMetrics

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

StreetMetrics, a leader in Out-of-Home media measurement and attribution, has announced a partnership with Adkom which we are told marks a significant advancement within the OOH advertising industry, bringing near real-time measurement and attribution capabilities to all campaigns purchased through Adkom’s platform.

Through this partnership, Adkom will integrate the StreetMetrics platform seamlessly into its proprietary system, enabling agencies and advertisers to access live reporting, real-time campaign performance data and outcome measurements. Key features of this integration include comprehensive insights into reach, frequency, and impressions (RFI) for all campaigns across more than 70,000 units nationwide. Moreover, it provides the flexibility to choose conversion studies tailored to each advertisers’ specific needs.

Cedric Bernard, CEO, Blip|Adkom, told us “This partnership represents a bold step forward in our commitment to providing unparalleled transparency and accountability in the advertising ecosystem. By integrating StreetMetrics’ cutting-edge technology, we’re providing our clients with the tools necessary to optimize their media buys and prove their campaigns are driving tangible results – without incurring any additional fees.”

As the first of its kind, this collaboration sets a new standard for verified measurement and attribution in OOH advertising, paving the way for greater trust and confidence among media operators, agencies, and advertisers alike. By offering a comprehensive suite of measurement solutions natively within the Adkom platform, this partnership eliminates the need for disparate tools and streamlines the campaign measurement and attribution process.

Drew Jackson, CEO, StreetMetrics, said “The integration of the StreetMetrics technology with Adkom’s system proves that media operators, agencies, and advertisers alike are interested in reconciled campaign effectiveness metrics. This partnership will redefine how those advertisers and agencies approach OOH advertising by providing unprecedented insights and transparency. With StreetMetrics’ standardized reporting dashboards and live performance monitoring for both moving and stationary advertisements, Adkom’s customers can make informed decisions in real-time, amplifying the impact of their campaigns.”

Independent media owners now have the opportunity to access the same advanced measurement and attribution solutions as their larger counterparts, allowing them to compete on an equal footing and demonstrating the value and quality of their offerings. This democratization of access to trusted measurement and attribution tools benefits those individual media owners and enriches the industry as a whole by encouraging diversity in dollars spent, driving creativity, and ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of out-of-home advertising campaigns.

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