Madrid @DenevaDS DigiTaxi Rollout

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

In Madrid Gran Pantalla, together with Screensor Tech, claim to be pioneering the digitalization of urban transport with DigiTaxi, an advertising medium that implements digital screens with ads inside their taxi fleet.

Equipped with the versatile DENEVA software, the press release says that “these devices are revolutionizing user experience by offering segmented and geolocated advertising thanks to advanced Artificial Intelligence and Big Data technologies”.

“The implementation of our digital signage software in taxis not only enhances passenger experience but also opens new opportunities for advertisers,” says Juan Carlos Martín, Sales Manager of DENEVA. “This is another step forward in the transport sector, where we already have extensive experience, and the trend is the unification of multimodal transport in a single content management platform like DENEVA. Therefore, we are moving towards a more fluid and efficient integration of different transport modes under a single technological solution.”

The initial deployment successfully began in June in Madrid, where the first units have been installed in strategically selected taxi fleets. Given the positive results, the plan is to extend this innovative advertising system to major cities in Spain, aiming for more than 600 screens in the coming months.

“For Gran Pantalla, this represents an evolution in our advertising offering, where a large part of our assets are digital. With this new model in a premium location like taxis and the ability to personalize content, we go beyond in reaching clients for advertisers, offering a personalized experience according to the type of audience,” highlighted Marta Rodríguez, General Director of Gran Pantalla.

The project is a collaboration between Gran Pantalla, responsible for the exploitation and management of advertising spaces, Screensor Tech, the integrator of the global implementation of the solution, and DENEVA as the technological partner for content management and audience measurement software.

Miguel Grañena, CEO of Screensor was quoted as saying “The digitalization of taxis in Madrid represents a unique opportunity to maximize the potential of advertising spaces in urban transport. Additionally, thanks to precise audience measurement and optimized ad segmentation, we can offer our clients more effective and targeted campaigns.” He added, “This pilot project in Madrid is just the first step, and we are eager to expand this innovative solution to other cities in the near future.”

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