OOH-GPT Version 2 Released By @COMMBCA

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

COMMB has released Version 2 of OOH-GPT, an #AI-powered chatbot that provides insights into the Canadian OOH advertising landscape. Initially launched in Q4 2023, OOH-GPT’s Beta version allowed users to ask questions about OOH advertising, resulting in the development of a comprehensive FAQ document based on over 2000 stored conversations.

Version 2 introduces several new features, most importantly a virtual chatbot named BILLBOT that employs Liquid Metal AI technology for enhanced capabilities.

OOH-GPT v2 will be showcased at the upcoming AdAi event on September 24, 2024.

To try OOH-GPT v2, click here. To purchase tickets for AdAi, click here. Reach out to COMMB to receive a member discount on tickets or for sponsorship opportunities.

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