e23 and @Quividi Strategic Partnership

Andrew Neale

e23, a leading Travel Retail Marketing company, and Quividi, the pioneer and leader in AI and Computer-Vision based platforms for real-time audience measurement and shopper engagement for Digital Out-of-home and In-Store Retail Media, have entered into a strategic partnership.

We are told that this collaboration aims to enhance audience and shopper engagement measurement within duty-free operator environments.

e23 has revolutionized Travel Retail Media with its novel Demand-Side Platform (DSP), tailored for major consumer brands and media agencies globally. The platform utilizes unique and advanced travel data to deliver highly targeted marketing solutions in the duty-free environment.

e23 stands out as a pivotal player in programmatic Travel Retail Media, collaborating with advertising leaders such as Hivestack, JCDecaux, ExteriorPlus, and Huawei PetalAds, as well as technology partners like Safran and Aerq within the in-flight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) sector.

Quividi delivers advanced first-party measurement of ad impressions and extends its capabilities into programmatic DOOH with high-fidelity impression multipliers. Additionally, Quividi provides critical insights for merchandising-focused Retail Media touchpoints, including metrics on product pick-up and put-back.

Leveraging Quividi’s platform, e23 will provide impressions and SKU-level sales for the marketing campaigns powered by its DSP. This integration will provide large brands advertising in the Travel Retail space with unprecedented insights into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.

The partners will unveil their innovative approach to leading Travel Retail operators and brands at TFWA’s Innovation Lab in Cannes (Sept 29 to Oct 03rd).

We also understand that an exclusive, private event will be held at the Espace Croisette on October 2nd, offering attendees a unique opportunity to experience how this collaboration enhances engagement and boosts sales in duty-free environments.

Travel Retail professionals interested in attending can register here.

With worldwide Retail Media spend expected to reach USD 140 billion this year, the Travel Retail sector is poised to capitalize on this emerging advertising frontier. The e23-Quividi partnership represents a significant step towards unlocking the potential of Travel Retail Media advertising, offering brands and duty-free operators a powerful tool to enhance their marketing strategies and drive growth.

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