magink [1] as you may probably know manufactures full-color digital ink display systems. Clear Channel in both the US and the UK used them to some degree instead of and as well as LED technology.
We have written before that in the US, Clear Channel’s choice (or lack of it) when it came to rolling out LED and magink technology SERIOUSLY slowed down their digital deployment and certainly we feel let Lamar Advertising [2] get a head start (who simply opted for an LED rollout) with the migration of traditional to digital large billboards.
Clear Channel’s recent digital initiative in the UK -announced earlier this week of course, with Barco LED as the preferred technology must surely now be the death knell for magink’s UK business.
At the very least we understand that Clear Channel will be phasing out the 10 magink screens that they had in operation in the London area and would seriously doubt whether any other large outdoor operator would now opt for this technology for large, outside use.