The Life Channel’s New Website

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

The Life Channel has a new website, see

The Life Channel is a successful television network dedicated to celebrating life and health. Fully contracted to over 2,300 venues throughout the UK, The Life Channel is watched by over 4 million viewers each month.

With high quality programming, regular BBC news updates and local surgery information, The Life Channel aims to inform and entertain, helping viewers help themselves by providing the latest health advice, entertainment and useful tips in an accessible and friendly manner.

The Life Channel has a valuable role to play in the community, drawing people together to care about their neighbourhood. We will now reach even more people within the community, due to our expansion into pharmacies, opticians, play centres, schools and colleges.

The Life Channel, promoting health & well-being and celebrating life.

The new site has some case studies and a great bit for advertisers.

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