Dallas vs Cisco Cowboys

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Rumour has it that the Dallas Cowboys have finally thrown out the Cisco stadium ad management system.

There were murmurings for sometime that all was not right in the Cisco world in the high profile stadium business and sounds like much of what was said was true.

The Cisco system (which they made so much of in the press) has allegedly been replaced by a Harris Broadcasting system.

4 Responses to “Dallas vs Cisco Cowboys”

  1. Bill DuLaney Says:

    Well how many video sponsors can you have in one venue? Sony,Harris, Mits, Cisco, Daktronics. I even saw cabling people claiming official video supplier to cowboys! Jones Clan are Marketing maniacs but its all overkill. and screens are too close anyway. We can do better

  2. Bill DuLaney Says:

    Btw, the Harris looked fantastic

  3. dser Says:

    Would like to hear their thoughts about the Cisco system.

  4. Alex Says:

    This doesn’t surprise me at all… Cisco’s excuse for digital signage is pathetic.

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