Milano Serravalle Servizi

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Neo Advertising Serraville

We first mentioned this network back in April but it has now been officially launched AND named – “InfoFlash TV” network – a network for the Milan beltway in conjunction with Neo Advertising and Milano Serravalle Servizi.

Here’s the official press release…

Neo Advertising and Milano Serravalle Servizi launch the “InfoFlash TV” network: a network for the Milan beltway

20 Autogrill stations around Milan and in the direction of Genoa equipped with widescreen LCD monitors will provide weather and traffic information, entertainment advertising to the more than 20 million users who pull into these stations along the Milan motorway each year

Milan, 14 July 2008 – Neo Advertising, a world leader in digital signage services and technologies, which make use of highly visible digital devices such as video posters, electronic screens, LCD monitors, and custom audiovisual products, as well as in in-store TV in Europe and North America, by October, will be providing the InfoFlash network in partnership with Milano Serravalle Servizi. The network will be available in the 20 Autogrill stations of the Milan beltway and along the Milan section of the A7 motorway as far as Serravalle Scrivia. This new advertising medium will use 40 widescreen LCD monitors to reach around 400,000 contacts each week in the market, café and restaurant areas of the Autogrill stations, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Neo Advertising provides its customers with global support in digital signage with services ranging from strategic consulting and service design to the production of content, management, monitoring, and support services, and including the sale of advertising space.

“There couldn’t have been a better way for Neo Advertising to make its debut in Italy than by creating a network along one of country’s busiest sections of roadway serving a large part of the Italian economy,” said Fabrizio Bonazza, CEO for the group’s new Italian branch. “Indeed, the Milan beltway has become of great importance to the city of Milan due, in part, to the gradual increase in the flow of commuters into the city. Since the 70s, Milan has lost some 400,000 inhabitants, most of whom have moved to other locations within the province. Most of these people, however, still come to Milan to take advantage of its services and for their jobs. It is for these people, in particular, that this network will be providing up-to-date traffic information in real time, complemented by a review of entertainment and the main cultural events in and around Milan and the Lombardy region,” Bonazza concluded.

The informational programming and advertising has been designed to be fully visible by everyone within the Autogrill areas, both in the dining areas and in the market and café. With the use of dynamic and creative dedicated graphics and the latest technologies, the new medium will provide useful news both for the commute and for the time spent in the rest stop through focused, effective, high-quality, and high-impact communication.

“With Neo Advertising’s InfoFlash network, Milano Serravalle Servizi, company of Gruppo Milano Serravalle – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A. will be able to provide to the motorway users a new and useful traffic and weather service and news; at the same time, the network provides us with an effective means of integrating our advertising communication, already developed with traditional medium, offering further spaces to MIA circuits and to its partners. The decision to use digital signage services reflect the capacity for innovation of Milano Serravalle Group – Milano Tangenziali S.p.A; thanks to the international experience of Neo Advertising, a market leader, we are certain that we will be able to achieve the technological and marketing results that we are hoping for”, said mr. Ernesto Bozzi, general manager of Milano Serravalle Servizi.

One Response to “Milano Serravalle Servizi”

  1. J Woolsey CEO Says:

    400,000 users a week – 40 screen locations?, how many of the users eyeballs are going to sit down and watch a screen located above them. Yet another example of a company driving without a roadmap-good luck!!L!L!

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