Who’ll Buy An iPad?

Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

A study conducted across the U.S. over the past week by JiWire throughout its 30,000 hotspot network found that 23% of all mobile Wi-Fi users plan to purchase an iPad in the next 12 months.

And of the 23% that plan to buy, the study revealed that:

  • 90% would connect through Wi-Fi to access content;
  • 43% are not using an iPhone, which shows the iPad as a likely crossover device for people with non-Apple mobile devices;
  • 27% of those planning to buy an iPad are Blackberry owners;
  • 57% own an Apple iPhone or iPod Touch.

Within 24 hours of the iPad’s availability in the U.S.,, nearly 5,000 unique sessions were initiated using an iPad, as seen through JiWire’s Wi-Fi media channel.

Kevin McKenzie, JiWire founder and president, says that the early
results suggest that the iPad could have a significant impact on the already explosive increase in Wi-Fi usage. On iPad’s launch day, JiWire found 4,921 unique sessions from iPad users connecting to its Public Wi-Fi channel, with 33.4% connecting in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Boston and Chicago. A breakdown of locations saw: 22.6% connecting in hotels; 37.4% connecting in cafes; and 34.8% connecting in airports.

“The iPad is not to replace the iPhone or laptops; it will be the new device to get entertainment content while on the go,” says McKenzie. “Just as we saw the iPhone rise in 2007, the iPad will grow at a significantly greater pace as a result of consumers wanting more bandwidth over Wi-Fi.“

Specifically, weather, news, travel, social networking, and music and entertainment are the top five application categories iPad buyers use today on their app devices.

“For the first time, people are not just bringing work on the go, but they are now bringing their ‘living room’ on the go,” McKenzie says.

One Response to “Who’ll Buy An iPad?”

  1. Charles Ansley Says:

    In a business meeting yesterday in NYC with eight executives, two had iPads. One was very impressed and told a story of how they had already found good use personally for its features and for use with their children. On the return plane, two more iPad users close to me were watching movies and playing with their new toys. Both said they loved it, when asked. Upon arriving home, my wife finally allowed me to touch hers and showed me how she had cleared her email in bed. While I was dressing today, she announced, that she had finished this morning’s email and did not have to go to the study. Conclusion: the iPad may not change the world, but it will be a great economic success for Apple and clearly be a catagory killer! Anyone with iPhone experience and $600 will be buying one shortly.

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