Phones 4U renews sponsorship deal with MDM.TV
Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 15:54
As mentioned before I believe that one of the signs of growth in the Digital OOH industry is brands returning to the advertising medium after first ‘testing the water’ with it.
I have my doubts about people like Mastercard returning after last year’s UK World Cup campaign(s), but thanks to Screen members MDM.TV and SubTV who recently did a fantastic job with Diageo’s Guinness, advertisers have started to return (quite soon actually) with Bacardi running a number of campaigns across screen networks.
So it is great news that Phones 4U have renewed their exclusive sponsorship agreement with MDM.TV
MDM.TV, Europe’s premier trans-stadia TV network, today announced the renewal of their exclusive sponsorship agreement with Phones 4u. The six-figure deal retains Phones 4u as the sponsor of the half time highlights show ‘45toGo’ which is shown across the 15 stadia network throughout the football season.
Extensive research carried out by independent research company Helen Harrison & Co, found the Phones 4u sponsorship to be a welcome element of the MDM.TV network and led to the renewing of the deal. Statistics showed that almost half of the fans who watch the half time highlights show could, without prompt, name Phones 4u as the sponsor of the programme, with 85 percent of all viewers who watch the programme stating that they enjoy it.
Jon Fish, Marketing Manager, Phones 4u comments: “Working with MDM.TV has given us unique access to a key target audience for Phones 4u. Football fans are statistically technologically savvy, heavy users of mobile phones and are notoriously difficult to reach with traditional media. The football environment provides us with a channel to reach consumers in a non-intrusive and valued format, adding value to their experience and strengthening our brand message.”
Gerry McKenna, managing director, MDM.TV, adds, “The research has shown that targeted media sponsorship creates significant value for a brand. Phones 4u’s decision to renew their sponsorship and increase their investment in the asset is a clear indication that MDM.TV delivers positive and measurable ROI”.
Further statistics include:
83 percent of fans visit the concourse at half time
85 percent of all viewers stated they were happy that the highlights were being delivered by the sponsor
78 percent of all viewers do not find the sponsorship irritating
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