Projection Summit 2010, Las Vegas

Andrew Neale

You could sit in the Projection Summit 2010 for the whole two days and really learn a lot. There will be all sorts of projector related innovation and technology being discussed, and a wide-ranging program of speakers lined up.

The event is happening the Monday and Tuesday before #InfoComm2010 proper, and it takes place next door in the Las Vegas Hilton.

On Day 1 it will be really interesting to hear what Amit Jain, President, CEO and Founder Prysm, Inc. has to say in his speech ‘Ecovative Large Format Display Solution’ at 11:40 AM in Session 2: Green Displays. Prysm are formally launching their Laser Phosphor Display system at InfoComm.

On Day 2 in Session 7: Tiled Images, Blended Images & Geometry Processing, Bob Rushby, CTO, V.P Research & Development, Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc. is presenting at 1:50 PM with a presentation entitled ‘Christie MicoTiles Enable New, Creative Applications’ and following that at 2:15 PM, kicking off Session 8: Business & Market Trends Gary Kayye, always a well-informed speaker, will be asking “Are Projectors Dying A Rapid Death?”

He (Gary) says not just yet, BUT hints there’s something else just around the corner which might just change that!

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