The 2010 Gadget Census
Gail Chiasson, North American Editor
Sunnyvale, California-based Retrevo recently released its first two reports from the first Gadget Census looking at gadget ownership across the country and world.
The 2010 Retrevo Gadget Census is believed to be the largest study of people and the consumer electronics they own and use. This census was conducted online from March, 2010, through July, 2010, and received over 7,500 individual responses from Retrevo users distributed across gender, age, and location. Questions were related to the ownership and usage of the following product categories: TVs, computers, cell phones, home theater electronics, cameras and camcorders, and other consumer electronics.
While the reports are lengthy, we’ve found some interesting points to share.
Among U.S. States with households most likely to have gadgets
- New York has the most iPads;
- Maryland has the most smartphones;
- Colorado has the most laptops;
- Massachusetts has the most e-Readers;
- Michigan has the most point & shoot cameras;
- Maryland has the most HDTVs;
- Pennsylvania has the most featurephones;
- California is the greenest state when it comes to gadgets.
Highlights from the report on metro areas with the most gadgets per capita include:
- The New York metro area has the most emerging technology owners (gadgets like iPads, netbooks, smartphones and Blu-ray players);
- The Phoenix metro area has the most ‘old technology’ owners (gadgets like CRT TVs and VCRs);
- The San Francisco metro area is the ‘greenest’ with gadgets (people who have recycled electronics and have the lowest percentage of power hungry CRT TVs);
- The Atlanta Georgia metro area has the most houses with more TVs.
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