JADN.TV Goes Global

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

JADN.TV has told us that it is “embarking on a major change in its evolution with both a national and an international series of events” – we spoke at one of their events earlier this year in Montreal and a great event it was – a good mix of advertising, retail, technology, press and network owner types and some really good speakers.

Seems what they are doing here is taking the event global…

The next JADN.TV season is set to be even more strategic than before. This year Arsenal Media has put together two series of events centered on the tactical aspects of developing digital signage projects and interactive kiosks. Numerous specialists from Canada and elsewhere in the world will talk to participants and share their expertise on the strategies and elements defining digital signage 2.0. Don’t miss the opportunity offered by the new JADN.TV season to learn about sector trends and winning ways to develop your digital signage project.

There’s obviously more news to come from here.

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