Gail Chiasson, North American Editor
Agencies and advertisers are expected to make up most of the approximately 300 attendants at this week’s Digital Place-based Advertising Association meeting in New York. They aren’t likely to be disappointed:
One of several things being unveiled will be a specially developed tool that will make it easy for media planners and buyers to examine a list of digital out-of-home properties and easily see which ones meet the locales, targets and audiences that they need to reach their campaign objectives – this ‘online planning tool’ was first rumoured back at #InfoComm2010
While we haven’t seen the final product, we understand that – as might be expected – DPAA members will be listed first, with those measured by a third party provider such as Arbitron or Nielsen at the top of the list. After that, all companies offering any digital place-based media can arrange to be listed (most probably for a fee).

And, while it won’t be part of the program, we’ve learned that smaller firms that have not joined DPAA because of the high membership fees – a source of much talk at various events we’ve covered – are going to be able to join for a lower fee. Apparently the DPAA Board of Directors has approved a new entry level price for two years for such firms, and we expect that any of the Board members present will be able to explain the criteria and price structure.
Another item on the Oct. 27 agenda will be the unveiling of a common nomenclature for the industry as well as a set of digital standards. “Developed in association with the Association of National Advertisers and the American Association of Advertising Agencies, the standards are rudimentary but logical,” François de Gaspé Beaubien, chairman of DPAA’s marketing Committee and chairman of Zoom Media, told us. “Consider these the building blocks on which we’ll continue to build.”
One of the things that can really ‘sell’ the value of using the digital out-of-home industry to agencies and advertisers is the case history, and attendants will be able to learn first hand about several successful cases during the day.
Among those, will be on Rogaine, given by Rich Simpson, brand manager at Johnson & Johnson; Yahoo! by Penny Baldwin, senior vice-president, global integrated marketing and brand management for Yahoo!; Maker’s Mark by Tim Mayer, associate media director at Starcom; the U.S. Army by Dean Jayson, media supervisor, Universal McCann; and Miller Genuine Draft 64 by Maureen McCloskey, director of account services at Kinetic.
Throw in several individual speakers, a solid panel discussion, an agency keynote address by John Muszynski, chief investment officer, SMG, and it will be a pretty full day. On the side, we’re hoping that we might even gain a little info on a possible new awards program currently under discussion at the Board level, and well as on a Road Show that seems to have gone beyond the discussion stage.
See you there!
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on Sunday, October 24th, 2010 at 14:10 @632
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