Free Hot Wings

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

It’s not for us, okay, okay, okay it is (and we enjoy it as well you know) to comment on fellow online web portals that purport to analyse, research, report and support the industry but surely proof positive that Digital Signage Today have ‘lost it’ when their subscribers received the following on Tuesday…

As the publisher of, we thought you might be interested in hearing about our newest initiative… is the latest go-to site for homeowners, homebuilders, remodelers, architects and anyone who wants to create more efficient, sustainable and enjoyable homes. Here you’ll find ideas that are inspring and people that are knowledgeable and passionate about green homes.

Read on to discover some of our recent features and news stories. We hope you like what you see, and that you’ll sign up for our free email newsletter and come back for more.

As NetWorld Alliance, the owners of also own pizza and funeral parlors sites look out for some interesting cross promotions – “buy one box, get one free later in life” sort of thing?

2 Responses to “Free Hot Wings”

  1. Howard Smith Says:

    Have to agree, that ’email blast’ just caused a few colleagues to reach for the ‘unsubscribe’ button.

    I think the word relevance should be up on a wall somewhere in BIG letters for people to look at !!!

    Mind you, your link to it on this blog should help their SEO efforts 🙂

  2. Free Beer and Hot Wings Says:

    One problem with your argument. For DST to have ‘lost it’ they would have had to have ‘had it’ in the first place.

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