Italian companies looking into entering the Digital Signage sector, can join AssoDS (Associazione Digital Signage) for EUR 150 a year.
[1]“Rather than a traditional confederation of companies homogeneous, AssoDS wants to represent a community of individuals with the specific intent to create a system and lay down guidelines and best practices on specific business models and also avoid errors already committed elsewhere or earlier,” explained Giuseppe Andriano, one of the founders of the association and DailyDOOH contributor. “As such, it intends to build and represent a real benchmark for anyone who wishes to operate and act in this area.”
The main objectives of this new community are to create a circle of experience and know-how; form a team for original business models and have a voice to interact with institutions and government agencies with a view to help the industry’s success and growth.
The idea of creating an association started in to May of 2009 when, after a series of meetings between stakeholders, a LinkedIN group to satisfied the need for a platform for discussion and information. AssoDS was finally launched at Viscom Italia in October [2].
The LinkedIN group is still going strong and now with the creation of the association, the digital signage sector have a real space to talk and an executive body to carry put what ever is needed to take this industry into the next level.
AssoDS doesn’t just want to address the needs of those working directly in the Digital Signage but instead it wants to collect all the players (and their experience) who work in any field of Digital Proximity Communications (Proximity Marketing, Instore Audio and Video).
“The association will also welcome collaboration with other agencies or industry associations, with the aim to extend and better understand and appreciate the scope of digital technologies in stores and in the Digital Out of Home environment,” added Andriano.
For more information on membership for the AssoDS and how it can help you and your business, please visit: [3]