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Blackpool County Court Find Showreel TV Have Case To Answer

Showreel TV [1] who have always claimed that they have a network of, we quote “selected premier salons across the UK to generate the latest in salon entertainment”  seem to also have, by far, the largest ‘network’ of disgruntled customers one can possibly imagine (read all of comments below [2] whilst trying to get the phrase “there’s no smoke without fire” out of your head).

[3]Tracey Burnette from the boutique health club, Club Twenty Two [4] in Mayfair was the latest to reach out to us, having successfully won damages against Showreel TV ‘owner’ Mark Butcher in the Blackpool County Court – only to find that Showreel TV conveniently ceased trading on, or around. April 19th 2013.

Another disgruntled customer emailed us last week to tell us that “Showreelmediatv.net, or whatever they call themselves … disappeared from view from the internet since around the 22nd April 2013” (we can see a web site although we note that it does not contain the legally required physical contact information).

Since December 2010, complaints from advertisers – all of them it seems small businesses wanting to use the network to promote their services flooded in (those comments that we have verified originating from legitimate email addresses and linked to a proper business we have posted below [2]).

Some comments have pointed out similarities (not proven) to two other companies that have received similar bad press.

Those small businesses who have had a bad experience trying to get their ad up on this network (and all the associated direct debit and bank irregularities) won’t be returning to any digital out of home network in a hurry.

53 Comments (Open | Close)

53 Comments To "Blackpool County Court Find Showreel TV Have Case To Answer"

#1 Comment By Another x employee On 12 June 2013 @ 04:56 @247

Oh and the post at the top The dragons. Well that’s his brother Keith butcher that owns dragons den in blackpool seriously what is wrong with these people his brother in law David also owns a mens clothing shop in Poulton called De mendos or something like that I would avoid him at all costs aswell anything to do with the butchers your in for a rough ride career criminals. Had you poor people of been form this town than you would of been aware of them there virtual office in London to cover up the association between a butcher and blackpool. Nice try but it was only a matter of time before you came up stuck. Ask them why all there sights are down south??? Simple cause no one up this end of the country would deal with them. Born again christian oh my days I’ve heard it all.I have worked at the same advertising company. For years now and they wouldn’t dream of ripping people off I now have a little boy and have reduced hours and am extremely happy with my employers I no longer dread going to work

#2 Comment By Tracey Burnette On 12 June 2013 @ 17:17 @761

Showreel Tv Ltd are now operating as The Blackpool Office and Fylde Tv Ltd. Anybody entering a search for [5] will be automatically re-directed to [6]. Fylde Tv are doing the promotional videos to be shown in hair salons and the Blackpool Office is designing and hosting web sites (all of which are currently down) and offering virtual office space and other office services. I can imagine what that is like, since the bailiff who went to collect the debt owed to me by Showreel Tv from the same address (2-4 Andsell Road, Blackpool) informed me there was nothing there.

The link to their Facebook page is: [7]

Who is ‘liking’ these people? Unfortunately there is no place for a thumbs down. They are allegedly offering a 42″ plasma screen TV in a prize drawer. What’s the likelihood of anybody winning that?

The Blackpool Office and Fylde Tv should be avoided at all costs. They are both run by the same people – Mark Butcher & Abbie Butcher, operating the same scam and need to be put out of business permanently very soon before they cause cause any more grief.

#3 Comment By Scott Benton’s Braincell On 28 March 2024 @ 10:53 @495

Is the same Mark Butcher who is standing for Reform UK in Blackpool South in May 2024?