Avanti Screenmedia Tops UK Media Sales Table
In the forthcoming DOOHAN directory, Avanti Screenmedia finally top the UK Media Sales League table.
abc media who were top have fallen back a place as they have recently lost the Firebrand Media national sales contract (brought in-house alongside agency sales), ScreenFX who were once a close second have lost several network sales contracts (previously reported) and seem to be trying to focus on being a media owner rather than a media seller.
Avanti’s screen network groupings (6 in total now) are very much as follows: –
Captive Audience. Leisure. Pubs, clubs and bars: –
- Magnetic and MVN
- Setanta Sports
Captive Audience. Transport: Buses –
- Motional Media
Captive Audience. Doctors’ Surgeries: –
Retail. Malls and High Street: –
- Shopping Mall TV
- SparTV (and early days of Marks and Spencers)
Separately I have seen Princes’ Tuna and Walker’s Sunbites adverts on the SparTV network but still trying to get confirmation on length, terms etc.
Categories: Scuttlebut