Perhaps now that PRN’s future is settled [1] we will see good people migrate to the company once again. PRN for example has definitely recently hired Brian Marin – most likely as VP Business Development.
Brian was spotted for the first time this last Tuesday night at the #dse2011 VIP reception in the Hilton Sky Villa. He had a hand-written PRN nametag and was telling folks “he had joined them within a week”.
Brian is the ex-CEO and Founder of Retail Entertainment Design based in Seattle and was we believe recently let go.
He is an ex-DMX music guy and well thought of in the industry.
1 Comment To "Brian Marin Joins PRN"
#1 Comment By David Murphy On 28 February 2011 @ 17:16 @761
he was a co-founder, there were 5 of us (now two remain)