[1]As we said would happen, tweets for Microsoft’s Imagine Cup 2011 [2] have started appearing in the twitter timeline with the hashtag #Ic11
As ever our suggestion remains to organisers and #avtweeps to use the much better and more popular #InfoComm11 [3]
Results for #IC11 …
marlene_viera Perla Viera Gzz
Te interesa Imagine Cup? Escucha el testimonio de los #MSP de la #FCFM finalistas nacionales de #IC11 http://twitpic.com/4eandf #rmspMX
6 hours ago
NSCA_systems NSCA
We are cooking up some fun, new ideas for InfoComm 11! Keep your eyes peeled for more info on our booth & other receptions! #IC11 #AVtweeps
12 hours ago
EmmeGirls EmmeGirls LLC
Promotional Trade Show Models at INFOComm11 #IC11 #infocomm11 #Models #Orlando Information Communications Marketplace: wp.me/pIqNc-nf
31 Mar
InfoCommShow InfoCommShow
Once’N’ Done: Submittals and Bids Done Right http://goo.gl/fb/4r5Su #IC11 #ICblog
30 Mar
MissShary shary almaguer
Te interesa Imagine Cup? Escucha el testimonio de los #MSP de la #FCFM finalistas nacionales de #IC11 http://twitpic.com/4eandf #rmspMX
30 Mar
marlene_viera Perla Viera Gzz
Te interesa Imagine Cup? Escucha el testimonio de los #MSP de la #FCFM finalistas nacionales de #IC11 http://twitpic.com/4eandf #rmspMX
30 Mar
tradeshownews Business Wire
@Trade_Shows_604 thanks for the #IC11 #infcocomm retweet!
29 Mar
tradeshownews Business Wire
New event added: InfoComm 2011 [June 11 – 17 in Orlando] #IC11 #infocomm11 http://www.tradeshownews.com/events/InfoComm-2011/
29 Mar
VPOEventZone VPO/PR Newswire
VPO/PR Newswire is once again managing the official #IC11 Online Press Office! http://bit.ly/ikAGY1
29 Mar
NSCA_systems NSCA
Projects of all sizes could have hidden costs; negative effect on the efficiency, profitability. http://ow.ly/4oRLt #AVtweeps #IC11
29 Mar
OpenAtMicrosoft Open at Microsoft
Join us for the Imagine Cup 2011 Interoperability Challenge Captains webcast, starting in a few minutes, http://cot.ag/i2lcvnt #IC11 ^JS
29 Mar
marlene_viera Perla Viera Gzz
Te interesa Imagine Cup? Escucha el testimonio de los #MSP de la #FCFM finalistas nacionales de #IC11 http://twitpic.com/4eandf #rmspMX
29 Mar
NSCA_systems NSCA
Thanks to @commintegrator for the article on our business training from NSCA U at InfoComm 2011! http://ow.ly/4nSFW #AVtweeps #AVnews #IC11
28 Mar
johnbirchman John Birchman
Is @InfoCommShow not listening that the #IC11 hashtag is bad, and everyone prefers to use the #InfoComm11 hashtag instead?
28 Mar
InfoCommShow InfoCommShow
True Confessions: Planning InfoComm 2011 Training http://goo.gl/fb/YPfK7 #IC11 #ICblog
28 Mar
marlene_viera Perla Viera Gzz
Te interesa Imagine Cup? Escucha el testimonio de los #MSP de la #FCFM finalistas nacionales de #IC11 http://twitpic.com/4eandf #rmspMX
28 Mar