Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief
The invidis guys have been working hard on pulling everything together for the 5th Digital Signage Conference being held over 3 days between 14-16 September 2011 in Munich and now (thanks to them) we have a much clearer picture of what is going on during those three days.
The event, subtitled ‘Managing Growth beyond the Tipping Point‘ certainly has a strong line up of speakers and agenda topics.Here’s what it looks like: –
14th of September
On the Wednesday there will be a number of invite only DOOH Industry Events. One of these is a meeting of the OVAB Europe DOOH working group and on the same day another OOH / DOOH association meeting and then some form of combined meeting takes place to wrap up the day.
Wednesday evening sees the first event at the Airbräu (this is the superb beer garden style restaurant) open for members of both associations.
15th of September
The Thursday sees the start of the conference proper if you like and sees sessions on; Strategy, Campaigns, Proof of Concept and various workshops.
The Strategy bit starts off with an (always excellent) Invidis consulting Keynote where, this time, they will examine the status quo of the industry with regards to their recent study in DE/AT/CH and list some of the common trends that they see.
That is followed by Dirk Huelsermann talking about VUKUNET and then Telekom out of Home will present their strategy for aviation and retail signage.
Next follows a DOOH panel with Brian Dusho (representing the DPAA), Dirk representing OVAB Europe and one other discussing the industry and importantly what it might take in order to accelerate the digital business.
Thursday also sees Kapsch BusinssCom – the ‘T-Systems of Austria’ and Cittadino present various solutions.
Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) will also take the stage and present ‘Why investing in Digital Signage companies? Reasons, predictions and visions‘
Yours truly will do his usual session wrap up at the end of teh day to close the proceedings.
In terms of the Campaigns side of things the event will see presentations from Impaction, an Austrian company specialising in content creation for new media, People Interactive (an agency working for public broadcasting in Germany), Visual Arts, Echion AG, one of Samsung;s agencies Chei, Das Werk (the creative agency working with Wall AG) and Adversign Media.
ICT AG, ComQi, Mediabose, Memedia, Intel, KocSistems, Metaio, Instoremedia and STRATACACHE will all participate in the ‘Proof of Concept’ session.
The evening event on the Thursday is ‘Beer, Bretzen and more at the Airbräu’ just like last year (hic!).
16th of September
The Friday sees an OVAB Europe members’ meeting where the organisation will present the work of the association over the last 12 months followed by a discussion about standards and developments.
The Friday of course also sees our Content Day Unconference in association with Bluefox.
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