Raffi Vartian, Co-Founder/VP, ContinuumMobile WAS reporting live for us today from Chicago on the Fourth Annual ‘Building Your Digital Signage Business‘ Summit
- break for lunch… during the morning session… [2]
- time for questions (and a belated lunch) during the morning session… [3]
- software checklist: what do you do frequently? whatever it is, you must do it easily to save time during the morning session… [4]
- hardware: all over the place depending on what the requirements are. ex: flash pushes large hardware requirements during the morning session… [5]
- ex: digipub: mobile apps, int with TV, reporting on SMS/ads, scalability, etc. during the morning session… [6]
- rank your requirements: ex from Ericsson: security, scalability , central management, soft maintain, east of use, ease of training during the morning session… [7]
- (cannot read text on screen. several bullet points on each of the forementioned categories) during the morning session… [8]
- frist step is to pinpoint goals: corporate, cost, operational, timeline, and special must-haves during the morning session… [9]
- (video doesn’t play: supposed to be text campaign in bars/pubs) during the morning session… [10]
- sanjay: how to select partners during the morning session… [11]
More… [1]
1 Comment To "Morning Session (Weds) – Digital Signage Business Summit, Chicago"
#1 Comment By Yashod Bhardwaj On 19 November 2008 @ 15:05 @670
Thanks Raffi Vartian & the DailyDOOH team for these live updates.