Multitouch Disruptive Say Gartner

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

Gartner’s view of a technology usually depends on who they been speaking to the most recently and who may / may not have sponsored a report but in one of their latest ones (reports, that is) we notice that they say “Multitouch Will Be One of the Most Disruptive Technologies of the Decade”

You need to register to get the report but it can be downloaded here.

2 Responses to “Multitouch Disruptive Say Gartner”

  1. Harry van der Veen Says:

    Been saying it for years 🙂 Happy that Gartner is there now to back up the claim.

  2. Allan M. Olbur Says:

    Multitouch is disruptive…is simply a headline. Interactive cellphones provide a dual edged sword….one can now “be in touch” 24×7 to the point of disrupting one’s solace and inner harmony….
    However, I am most interested in the ability of handhelds to provide for an immediate opt-in platform for targeted consumers who can now respond to a message displayed on digital signage…the paradigm shift will be from illusory impressions per thousand to a measurable response that creates brand recognition and loyalty.
    It will be fun to track actual advertiser growth based upon the ability to procure instant feedback augmented by electronic codes and couponing…
    Thus the issue of consumer privacy is mitigated since there is no “anonymous intrusion” procured via face detection or simply people counters that do not correlate directly to personal identification.
    At the end of the day, simply knowing how many people pass by a sign and attempting to discern gender, age, etc. does not suffice to determine the effectiveness of the message.

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