Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief
As per previous housekeeping notice, we have been testing this week a new, much more automated email subscription based service that allows you to choose if you want to receive emails or not.
The first (automated) emails went out to original / founder subscribers over the last two days.
Everyone else on my manual (past) email service should get the first of a new format regular briefing tomorrow afternoon (sometime after 13:00).
Thanks for everyone’s patience and please let us know if there are any problems or issues. There may be one or two duplicate emails in the list (we hope not) but with the new facility you should be able to de-duplicate yourself quite easily (if it does happen).
We have a host of new blog features we are planning for the New year (some Google related which will excite people I know) and December 2007 will see another 2 banner advertisers come on board.
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