Publicis And ZenithOptimedia Launch New Montreal Offices
Gail Chiasson, North American Editor

Sunni Boot, President & CEO, ZanithOptimedia Canada, and Yves Gougoux, Chairman & CEO, Publicis Canada
Clients, media and friends were out in force Wednesday night in Montreal as Publicis and ZenithOptimedia showed off their new offices.
The agency moved from the World Trade Centre in Old Montreal to hip bright offices in the Ex Centris building on Blvd. St-Laurent.
Greeting guests outside the offices were guides wearing Pixman digital screens, as shown here in front of more digital screens at the building entrance.
Upstairs the offices are a mix of open concept and many nooks and crannies. One hall wall has a group of screens showing agency work. And, of course, there’s a game screen in the creative department where staffers can let off a little steam.
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