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Reflect Systems – Financing Program

Chris Sheldrake

As VC’s and banks seem to be keeping hold of their cash at the moment (more stories on that later in the week) Reflect System’s new financing programme as detailed below is probably not a bad thing. It’s not new, EnQii we believe have looked at / done / promised similar in the past (for the right proposition of course) and even smaller UK networks like SmartBox (now defunct) and Captivate (defunct BUT back now with new owners) have done it – err, doesn’t that tell you something, Ed

Reflect Systems Announces Deployment Financing Program for Digital Signage and Out-of-Home Media Networks

Dallas, Texas, November 11, 2008 – Reflect Systems, a leading provider of digital signage software and services, announces the Deployment Financing Program, a new service that facilitates immediate funding for digital signage and out-of-home media networks.

Financing options are available for the hardware, software, and services required to deploy a full digital media network solution. Qualifying customers may include retailers, network operators, resellers and integrators. Reflect Systems, in collaboration with best of breed partners, provides the platform and services required for successful digital networks in venues including retail, hospitality, health care, and transportation.

“In a time of difficult financial and credit conditions, there are challenges to funding capital investments for new or continuing out-of-home digital media projects that may otherwise have the potential for a strong return on investment. We’re excited to offer a compelling program to facilitate financing options that enable customers and partners to realize growth opportunities i this dynamic market.” said Bruce Steele, Vice President of Sales of Reflect Systems.

Reflect Systems is now accepting inquiries regarding the Deployment Financing Program. For more information, please visit or e-mail

Most certainly the industry does NOT need another Wireless Ronin / NewSight fiasco and so we will be watching this offering closely.

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