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Where To Find @IAdea At #ScreenmediaExpo

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

If IAdea had a stand at #ScreenmediaExpo, befitting their stature as a device manufacturer we would’t be fielding as many questions as we are as to where to find them and others.

Where's Wang?

Visitors who try to find any IAdea devices with distributor Westbase will no doubt be assimilated by the Borg Collective long before they get there as Westbase are inside Scala’s booth.

Demonstrating just how many different type of devices they support these days, signagelive will have a 2.5m x 1m tower branded ‘signagelive recommended hardware partners‘ featuring the BrightSign HD220 Bundle and IAdea powered MOOH Group DOOH Loos on one side and Nexcom on the other running signagelive Display Edition (with some nice interrupt content and social media we are told).

SpinetiX of course are not exhibiting and instead will be at home scoffing chocolate, AOpen are hoping to wow attendees with a fully wrapped truck inside the hall as they kick off their UK roadshow.

BrightSign will be demonstrating its new Panther line, in association with its UK distributor, Pixels UK, on booth B47.

AOpen and Advantech will also both have devices on our OpenSplash stand C45 as well.

Having said that though, nothing beats having your OWN stand if you have a brand and products you really care about – as Amazon CEO, Jeff Bezos said “a brand is what people say about you, when you’re not in the room”.

One Response to “Where To Find @IAdea At #ScreenmediaExpo”

  1. John C. Wang Says:

    No worries Adrian. Thanks to our great partners, there will be no shortage of IAdea technology at the Screenmedia Expo.

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