Broadsign Jul 2024 lead

#CurmudgeonFriday I Would Like To Book A Mtg With You

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

There are a lot of freeloaders in our industry. We know who they all are. They are usually the first to put their hand up in the air to speak, the last to sponsor conferences or the last to exhibit at an event.

On occasion in the past we’ve ‘called’ those who like to mass mail folks ahead of a show and ask for business meetings yet not exhibit.

Of course it’s all right going to an event to meet with people but we feel it’s probably taking the p*** when, like JHDD (Digitalvue) Ltd you do a massive email blast, we quote “We will be attending the Screen media exhibition on the 16th and 17th May, and would be delighted to meet with you to discuss future business opportunities. Please let me know, what date and time is best for you, and also where you would like to meet”.

If every vendor did that, there would be no show. These folks obviously want to sell you something but are too cheap to exhibit. I tell you what, why don’t you (a) take a stand and set up some comfy chairs and you can meet with potential clients there (after all that’s what the show is about) or (b) you can Foxtrot Oscar!

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