How Many More PRN Execs Are Going To Go?

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

With rumours swirling around the US that there are at least four more VP level executives due to leave PRN in the next three weeks we tracked down four who have already gone in the last month alone…

  • Greg Herlein was latterly Vice President, Engineering at Premier Retail Networks (Technicolor). Greg had been with PRN since April 2004. He is now Director, Software Development at Rackspace Hosting
  • Ray Pettit who was VP, Market Research is now Global Chief Research Officer at iTVX
  • Ben Reynolds was Senior Vice President, Account Services at Premier Retail Networks. Ben had been with PRN since 2001. He is now Senior Vice President – Account Services, HookLogic, Inc
  • Jon Landa was Senior Vice President, Sales–West & Central Regions at Premier Retail Networks. Jon had been with PRN since June 2007. He is now SVP, Ad Sales at SnagFilms & Indiewire

We have to say that it is probably testament to the very strong (and loyal) team that previous PRN management had built up that all these folks above have immediately stepped into great new jobs.

We sure hope new PRN President Ahmad Ouri knows what he is doing!

2 Responses to “How Many More PRN Execs Are Going To Go?”

  1. Greg Herlein Says:

    Adrian, you really should do at least some fact checking before publishing. I’ll only speak for myself but I was not ‘let go’ from PRN. I left and joined Rackspace. I wrote about here:

  2. Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief Says:

    Greg. Technically you were ‘let go’ even if you initiated your own departure.

    I don’t think our readers will view that terminology in any negative way – we were in fact pointing out that four good executives (five if you include D. Scott Karnedy) have left PRN recently. With all the years of experience you had that’s a big hole to fill.

    Anyway, I have changed the title of the post from ‘How Many More PRN Execs Will Be Let Go?’ to ‘How Many More PRN Execs Are Going To Go?’ just so it is now (more) clear.

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