Parisien Pause Café TV

Adrian J Cotterill, Editor-in-Chief

News come to us via BlueFox of an interesting coffee vending machine screen based network, initially in Paris but spreading to other French cities later in the year.

Allomachines has launched what it calls Pause Café TV

17” LCD screens in portrait are being fitted onto coffee vending machines. Content is split into two: –

  1. Pause Café TV, with a 10-to-12-minute-programme that includes informative and entertaining content provided by BlueFox (news, weather forecast, horoscope, sports, culture, celebrity news etc) and for 40% of the loop there will be.
  2. A dynamic display zone will allow the vending machine owners to show their own promotions and also allow the venue owner / operators to put up their own content

Allomachines have two business models at the moment we believe; a ‘free’ version with revenue sharing when the machine owner accepts advertising and a paying version with monthly fees for those who do not want external advertising.

There are 20 machines being tested around Paris and parts of northern France though it is expected that over 300 screens will be installed by the end of March (with hopes of 2,000 by June in Paris and other major cities).

As the group owns a subsidiary in Spain, we are also expecting a launch there sometime in 2009 also.

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