‘The Twitter List (who to follow and why)‘ was probably only ever going to be subjective and there’s unfortunately nothing scientific about the way the list was put together at all. For those of you who expressed an interest in our earlier post ‘How Will @TheSundayTimes’ Twitter List Gel With @Klout [1]‘, the answer is quite simply, “this list doesn’t!”
[2]Compiled for @TheSundayTimes by @MattRudd it is also peculiarly UK centric as well.
Mind you, it’s always worth being reminded, as @MattRudd writes in his opening paragraph that “In 2006, three American dudes …. came up with the idea for Twitter”. Just how phenomenally successful that which Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Evan Williams and Biz Stone [3] founded is of course now a matter of record.
- In Twits and twitterati, @piersmorgan was given the opportunity to reveal his A-list celeb twitters and his C-list but merely continued his ongoing feud with @Lord_Sugar by firmly dumping him at the top of his C-List; @GeorgeMichael, @BeefyBotham, @RickyGervais, @AlecBaldwin and @GaryLineker are his favourite A-list celeb tweeters
- The famous five lists the most popular tweeters in the world which is simply based on ‘popularity by following’; @LadyGaga (26,319,020), @JustinBieber (24,066,004), @KatyPerry (22,159,995), @Rihanna (21,527,995) and @BritneySpears (18,098,874) – a list that surely says something about the vacuousness of the twittersphere?
- In Look away now! The stars who crashed and burned @IndiaKnight (a Sunday Times columnist, and listed of course as one of the ’50 Top Tweeters’) remembers the tweets that “might seem like a good idea at the time” from the likes of @aplusk (Ashton Kucher), @CharlieSheen and others
- In Twitterquette @MrsMillsST tells readers “Don’t Tweet Things Nobody Wants To Know” in the usual list of DO’s and DON’TS; don’t overtweet, humblerag, drink and tweet, plug, make social arrangements etc.
And if “50 (are) too few for your Twitter needs” as it says on the last page of the eight page article you can visit [4] thesundaytimes/twitter
where a top 100 are listed, or you could if it wasn’t behind a paywall.
Umm, perhaps it is just us but we found that kind of ironic especially as there is such a thing as a ‘Twitter List’ which would have been a great, dare I say ‘new age’ way to share a top 50 or top 100 list (err did we say ‘paywall’?).